Wednesday, February 22, 2012

As with any medicine, there is always ...

For over 30 years, was the vaccine that can prevent pneumococcal infections safely - a serious infection caused by a bacterium known as pneumococcus

. But PPSV vaccine (pneumococcal polysaharydnoy) can not be used for part of the population who are most vulnerable to disease - children under 2 years. Without protection from the vaccine, infants and young children are at higher risk for several dangerous diseases, including bacterial and

3 different shapes of bacteria

. In 2000, however, FDA licensed PVC (pneumococcal) vaccine is safe and effective for use in children under 2. Here is information about two vaccines to help you make informed decisions to protect the health of their children, as well as their own. What is Pneumococcal disease? Pneumococcal disease is an infection caused by pneumococcus bacteria, or pneumococcus. People can be infected by bacteria, carrying her in the throat, and not hurt. But they can still spread it first drops the nose or mouth when they breathe or sneeze. Depending on what body or body part infected, Pneumococcal infection can cause any of buy strattera online several serious diseases, including:

Bacterial meningitis - infection covering the brain and spinal cord that can lead to confusion, and death as well as other physical effects such as blindness or paralysis. Pneumonia - infection of the lungs and total bacterial complications, average >> << that may, edema, insomnia, and irritability. Microbiemia - a dangerous blood infection. infections. There are more than 6000 deaths per year in the U.S. as a result of pneumococcal infection. More than half of these deaths in adults, as recommended by CDC, should have been vaccinated. In children under 5 years of infection by bacteria pneumococcus results about 480 cases of meningitis and 4,000 cases of bacteremia or other invasive infections per year. The main problem in infants is that the classic symptoms of meningitis and pneumonia, often absent, making the disease difficult to recognize. What pneumococcal vaccine safe? Both vaccines are safe. As with any medicine, there is always potential for serious problems, such as. But PVC (vaccine recommended for young children) and PPSV (vaccine for adults and older children), the risk of serious damage or death is extremely small. In studies involving nearly 60,000 doses of vaccine PCV, there was moderate or severe reactions. Minor side effects include:

redness, tenderness or swelling at the injection site for one of every four children. Fever higher than 100. 4 degrees about one out of every three children. Fever higher than 102. 2 degrees about one of every 50 children. Sometimes the incident nervousness, drowsiness, or loss of appetite. About one out of every two adults who get the vaccine PPSV experience redness or pain where the vaccine. Less than 1% have more severe reactions such as fever and muscle aches. .


Klebsiella pneumonia are gram-negative rod and intestinal parasite known >> << nosocomial infections and infections in infected hosts. In

in the last 15 years, however, a new type of invasive K. pneumonia

disease appeared in Taiwan, which is usually manifested as outpatient

primary liver abscess in patients without biliary tract or other intra-abdominal

infections. K. pneumonia

is a single pathogen can be identified. The syndrome of sepsis and bacteremia are common

with metastatic meningitis or septic endoftalmit complicates

, usually in 10-12% of cases. Diabetes, which can be a factor

can be found in approximately 50% of patients, while others were

no apparent underlying disease. Another presentation of invasive disease

K. pneumonia is community acquired meningitis. There

gradual increase in community acquired meningitis caused by

K. pneumonia in Taiwan since 1987. After 1996

K. pneumonia replace Streptococcus

pneumonia as the leading bacterial pathogen outpatient >> << meningitis in adults. Although responsible

K. pneumonia strains were equally exposed to all cephalosporins and aminoglycosides,

mortality reaches 10-20% for primary liver abscess and up

30ЎV40% of those with meningitis have been reported. Invasive

K. pneumonia disease in Taiwan a new threat to public health and

deserves further attention and study. Structural >> << Genomics is a new and rapidly evolving field of Life Sciences. Purpose

in this area is to identify and analyze structures and

depending on all proteins in nature in order to lay the groundwork for a fundamental understanding

biology. Several genome projects

been completed recently. The next step after genomic research

yield a complete genome sequence of the type is to identify the

as cellular and molecular functions of each gene in the genome. Several >> << pilot projects in structural genomics on the way. Previous

The results of these pilot projects shows additional data on the functional analysis of genome >>. << Both approaches are important for genomic research

by DNA sequencing. In this program the project, we propose to develop the

and include the methodology and technology for structural genomics and proteomics


Klebsiella pneumonia and associated with >> < <proteins involved in cell cycle. This

Bioinformatics website for Klebsiella pneumonia structural genomics

(http://kp. Life strattera dosing. Nthu. Education. TW /). Using bioinformatics, high throughput

cloning, expression and purification of protein targets,

structural analysis of different biophysical methods and proteomics research

at the cellular functions

Klebsiella pneumonia, we

expect a decision on a new protein structure 10-20 per year. In addition to structural genomics research, the specific proteins for cellular

reactions induced Klebsiella pneumonia or

major virulence factors in a comparative study of differential protein expression profiling

as in sub-cellular organelles and whole cells

will be studied by proteomics approaches such as 2D gel mass

, spectroscopy, confocal microscopy, etc. Completion of this project >> << extend our understanding of atomic basis

Klebsiella pneumonia, provide a significant shortcut to understanding its function gene

and generate the most fundamental genomic data than

consistency of the information. Structural and functional information

eventually help in understanding the molecular mechanisms of cellular response to >>

<< Klebsiella pneumonia infection. In addition, results

3 harmful bacteria

from this project can give an insight to the prevention and treatment

related >> << Klebsiella pneumonia. . << >>

Make sure that all who help this man ...

Coughing, choking aspiration pneumonia

If you have helped someone with a swallowing disorder is, you know that it is often >> << difficult for both of you. You may recall him coughing after swallowing food and mouth waiting that a >> << a busy time for him to stop and take his next breath to assure you that he is suffocating. Do not call coughing while eating, as part of routine food. Coughing is a protective reflex >> << to prevent choking. Consider this anxiety Mother Nature, that there is a serious problem that must be solved immediately. Report coughing while eating to supervisory nurse immediately for assessment. Choking, indeed, is a very serious risk factor. Remember this every time you help someone with HD >> << to make a meal. Most people with HD develop swallowing disorder, or "dysphagia", at some point during their illness

. Often the first sign of a serious unforeseen choking episode. Choking and aspiration pneumonia are common causes of death

people with HD. People with swallowing need to be temperature and light control sounds

regularly signs of pneumonia. Learn Heimlich maneuver so you're ready to answer >> incident asthma. << Make sure that all who help this man has practiced in the maneuver. This may be encouraging to explain or demonstrate

him if he was still a serious incident asthma. Listen very carefully to the instructions you

information on how to help this man is his food. Take no shortcuts, no hurry. Check correct positioning of each >> << time you put food in your mouth. Eliminate as many distractions in the room as you can. Double-check the texture of food

, which was specially prepared for him. Be sure thickened liquids! Remember that this person may be very hungry and very tired and want to rush through food. Do not rush to safety. If you help him eat too long or too tedious for him to act before he eats less food

more during the day. Create masterpieces with mashed Doctors Products and speech / language therapists can recommend that people with serious swallowing

problems and increased risk of asthma diet puree consistency. At home or in long-term care facilities usually done by placing each item

food in a food processor and blending it beyond recognition, but its main color. In the event that the alarm was choking

enough, look forward to the daily menu of porridge that looks like commercial baby food only adds further insult. However, there is an alternative. You can plan and prepare the entire menu cycle cast >> << dishes, casseroles and bread, taste, smell and look appetizing, but the sequence of mashed potatoes. During the holiday season, department and specialty stores sell plastic candy form

make candy or chocolate in your kitchen. As the forms rabbits, Santas, and ghosts, molds, chicken legs, pork chops

, broccoli, pears in half, and fish fillets are also available. The choice they make your meals more

attractive. For example, cook chicken, remove the meat, put it in a food processor and mix it with

puree consistency. Add breadcrumbs, egg whites, or commercially available products thickening. Then place this chicken mixture

on plastic sheets with a few chicken legs are formed in it and freeze it. When the chicken on the menu pop

, one foot out of shape, beat, and heat it in a convection oven. It keeps its shape and molded your kitchen smells

as you cook ... chicken! With the sauce and garnish, it looks and smells just like the same chicken Others

family for dinner. It has the consistency of chicken pate. It looks so real, it is not uncommon for nurses aides

return molded food in the kitchen, because it looks like kitchen staff forgot to puree it! When planning the strattera online menu of these molded dishes and food (meat bread, for example) and pans

(tuna pot, for example) and focusing on her desired consistency, you can serve this cuisine, and puree

alternative " baby food "in the three sections of plates, which were originally designed for babies. Almost all the major institutional food supplier in North America distributes these forms >> << to long-term institutions, hospitals and other health care. Depending on the size of the object, it is rarely

additional cost of work or in dietary department to prepare these pureed foods in molds. Buildings on Saturday

preparation and formation can be done fairly shaped dishes

past few weeks. . << >>

Thevarajah s, balkrishnan g, camacho foot ..


1. Leiden J, Levi S. "Development of antibiotic resistance Propionibacterium acnes.». 2001 Feb; 67 (2 Suppl) :21-4. 2. Leiden, JJ. "Issues of antibiotic therapy for acne treatment.». 2001, 15 Appendix 3:51-5. 3. Ochsendorf F. "Systematic treatment of acne.". 2006 Oct, 4 (10) :828-41. 4. Thevarajah S, R Balkrishnan, Camacho FT, Feldman SR, Fleischer AB Jr. "Trends in prescribing acne treatment in the United States. Go to antibiotics, non-antibiotics. " 2005, 16 (4) 224-8. 5. Ozolinsh M, Go EA, Avery, Cunliffe WJ, O'Neill C, Simpson NB, Williams HC. "Randomized controlled comparison of multiple treatments to ensure economic efficiency rationale for the choice of antibiotic therapy of acne.". 2005 Jan; 9 (1): III-212. 6. Go AE, bay JH, Leighton AM. "There is resistance to antibiotics in skin propionic clinically significant. Effects of resistance acne patients and prescribe. " 2003 4 (12) :813-31. 7. Simonart T, Dramaix M. "Treatment of acne with local antibiotics: lessons learned from clinical trials.". August 2005, 153 (2) :395-403. 8. Go, EA, Glory M, Leiden JJ. "Propionibacterium acnes resistance: worldwide problem.". 2003, 206:11-16. 9. Coates P, S Vyakrnam, Go EA, Jones CE, bay JH, Cunliffe WJ. "The prevalence of antibiotic-resistant propionic skin acne patients: 10-year observation data and study the distribution of images.". May 2002, 146 (5) :840-8. 10. Ross SB, Snellinh AM, Carnegie-E, P Coates, Cunliffe WJ, Bettoli V, Toasts G, Katsambas, galvano Perz Del Pulgar SB, Rollman O, TRC L, Go EA, bay JH. "Sustainable antibiotic acne: lessons from Europe.". 2003 Mar; 148 (3) 467-78. 11. Dreno B, Raynaud's, Moses D, H Aber, Richet H. "Erythromycin resistance of cutaneous bacterial flora in acne.». 2001 November-December, 11 (6) :549-53. 12. Del Rosso JQ, Leiden JJ, Thiboutot D, Webster GF. "The use of antibiotics in acne and rosacea: clinical considerations and resistance issues that are important for dermatologists.». August 2008, 82 (2 Supplement 2) :5-12. 13. Ishida N, Nakaminami H, N Noguchi, Kurokawa I Nishidzhima S, Sasatsu M. "Antimicrobial susceptibility of Propionibacterium acnes isolated from patients with rash.". 2008 Dec, 52 strattera without prescritpion (12) :621-4. 14. Ross SB, Snellinh AM Go EA, bay JH, Cunliffe WJ, Leiden JJ, Collignon P, Drno B, Raynaud, Fluhr J, Oshima S. "fenotypycheskoy henotypycheskoy and characteristics of antibiotic-resistant Propionibacterium acnes isolated acne patients treated in dermatology clinics in Europe, USA, Japan and Australia. ". 2001 Feb; 144 (2) :339-46. 15. Coates P, S Vyakrnam, Ravenskroft JC, Stable GI, Cunliffe WJ, Leiden JJ, Johnson J, Go EA, bay JH. "The effectiveness of oral isotretinoin in the control of skin and nasal colonization by antibiotic propionic patients with acne.". 2005 December, 153 (6) :1126-36. 16. Leiden JJ. "Resistance to antibiotics in topical treatment of acne.". June 2004, 73 (6 Supplement) :6-10. 17. Leiden JJ, Wortzman M, Baldwin EK. "Sustainable Propionibacterium acnes to antibiotics benzoyl peroxide suppressed detergent by 6%.". 2008 Dec, 82 (6) :417-21. 18. Leiden JJ. "The impact of topical benzoyl peroxide / clindamycin versus topical clindamycin and vehicle in the reduction of Propionibacterium acnes.». June 2002, 69 (6) :475-80. 19. Worret WI, Fluhr JW. "Acne treatment with topical benzoyl peroxide, antibiotics and Azelaic Acid." [Article in German]. April 2006, 4 (4) :293-300. Reading Bojar Armenia, Holland KT. "Acne and Propionibacterium acnes.». 2004 Sep-Oct, 22 (5) :375-9. Del Rosso JQ. "The choice of treatment of acne: the balance of concerns about resistance to antibiotics.". 2008 Nov, 82 (5 Suppl) :12-6. Drno B. "General antibiotic therapy of acne." [Article in French]. April 15, 2002, 52 (8) :841-3. Garner SE, Go EA, Popescu C, J Newton, Li WA. "Minotsiklin for acne: efficacy and safety." Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2003 (1): CD002086. Leiden JJ, Del Rosso JQ, Webster GF. "Clinical considerations in the treatment of acne and other inflammatory skin diseases: a report on the situation.". 2009 Jan, 27 (1) :1-15. Leiden JJ. "The impact of topical benzoyl peroxide / clindamycin versus topical clindamycin and vehicle in the reduction of Propionibacterium acnes.». June 2002, 69 (6) :475-80. McInturff J. Wang SJ, Machleidt T, Lin TR, Oren, Hertz CJ, Krutzik SR, Hart S, K This, Anderson D., Gallo RL, Modlin RL, Kim J. "Granulysin peptides demonstrate antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects against Propionibacterium acne. ". August 2005, 125 (2) :256-63. O-Mills Jr., Thornsberry C, Cardin CW, smile KA, Leiden JJ. "Bacterial resistance and therapeutic outcome following three months of topical acne treatments 2% erythromycin gel in comparison with his car.". 2002; 82 (4) :260-5. Ochsendorf F. "Systematic treatment of acne.". 2006 Oct, 4 (10) :828-41. Oprica C, Emtestam L, J Lapinsh, Borglund E, F Neuberg, Stenlund to Lundeberg L, E Sillerstm, Nord CE. "Sustainable Propionibacterium acnes to antibiotics in the skin of patients with moderate to severe acne in Stockholm.". June 2004, 10 (3) :155-64. Qureshi A. "Survival of antibiotic-resistant Propionibacterium acnes in the environment." 14 European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 2004, Prague, poster presentation. Abstract number: 902_p818. Access online on April 8, 2009 .. Zouboulis CC Piquero-Martin J. "Updating and future acne treatment system.". 2003 206 (1) :37-53. .

Abstract: the antagonistic effects of lactobacilli ...

Abstract: The antagonistic effect of Lactobacillus against pathogenic bacteria were evaluated in vitro culture of Caco-2 cells. Lactobacilli were added simultaneously with intestinal pathogenic strains (enterotoksihennye

Escherichia coli K88 and Salmonella Typhimurium SARB21 and SL1344), to pathogenic strains and after pathogenic strains for competitive exclusion and displacement analysis. Six lactobacilli significantly limited adhesion and invasion of pathogenic bacteria. In modeling competition and exclusion tests, adhesion of pathogenic strains decreased by strains of Lactobacillus

substantially, and inhibitory effect on the adhesion of pathogenic strains was slightly weaker shift analysis. In addition, we found that the antagonistic effects of lactobacilli against K88, SARB21 and SL1344 were varied. Strain R4 showed a strong brake effect on adhesion to Caco-2 cell K88. The competition analysis in R4, the number of viable cell-related K88 (3. 84 0 10. Log CFU / well) was significantly lower than in the control group without

Lactobacillus (5. 0 02 98. Log CFU / a). Compared with the control group (6. 0 02 07. Log CFU / well), six

Lactobacillus strains all of the strong antagonistic action against SL1344, in particular, D17 showed a higher inhibitory effect on the movement analysis (4. 15 0. 04 log CFU / well). These results assume that strattera 25mg some strains of Lactobacillus >> << can be useful for protection against pathogenic intestinal infections. .

From 3 to 7.

With the increasing spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, honey is more and more valued for its antibacterial activity. To characterize all bactericidal factors in medical grade honey, we used a new approach of successive neutralization

individual honey bactericidal factors. All bacteria tested, including

Bacillus subtilis, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus

, extended spectrum β-lactamase production

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Escherichia coli resistant to ciprofloxacin

Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and vancomycin- resistant

Enterococcus faecium, were killed by 10-20% (volume / volume) of honey, while ≥ 40% (volume / volume) honey terms of sugar solution was necessary for such activities. Honey accumulated to 5. 62 ± 0. 54 mm H

and contains 0. 25 ± 0. 01 mM metylhlioksalyu (MGO). After enzymatic neutralization of these two compounds, honey retained significant activity buy strattera online >>. Use

<< V. ziYShz for activity guided isolation of additional antimicrobial factors, we found bee defensin-1 in the honey. Once combined

neutralizing H, MGO, and bee defensin-1, 20% honey was minimal activity on the left, and further adjustment of pH with this honey

3. From 3 to 7. 0 reduced activity, and sugar alone. The activity of all other bacteria tested depend on sugar, H, MGO, and bee defensin-1. Thus, we fully characterized antibacterial activity of medical-grade honey. -Kwakman, PHS, ie Velde, AA, de Boer, L., Speijer D. Vandenbroucke-Hrauls, CMJE, Zaat, SAJ How honey kills bacteria. .

However, instead of potassium hydroxide ...

In mild cases, a woman sees only an unpleasant odor discharge in the vagina after male and female sexual act performed. It is actually the most striking indicator of offensive

or BV. Other symptoms usually manifest themselves depending on the development of this disease and women, current health status. Along with fetid discharge, other symptoms include: spasm of the stomach, irritation, itching and painful swelling of hell in the region. It is also typical for women with severe BV have large amounts of vaginal discharge with odor, which gradually increased in strength over time. However, it should be emphasized that self-treatment with over-the-counter may not only accelerate this disease, but it can lead to a decrease in women overall immunity to bacteria and other viruses. It is imperative that health care provider advice immediately. Fortunately, now there are many strattera online ways to correctly diagnosing the problem, and thus physicians more direct means of treatment of BV. To get a proper diagnosis, medical services first interview the patient about what she observed that the bodily changes, it might have been. Once the doctor has an idea about a possible problem, he or she generally makes the mirror test which said tool is introduced into the body of the patient. This allows the doctor to see for yourself the vaginal walls and cervix. Swabs used to collect discharge samples. These swabs then tested: loss of acidity, fishy smell, the presence of key cells. Loss of acidity means that the growth of microorganisms in the female genital organs is controlled more of the natural Lactobacillus. Uncontrolled growth raises the pH level to 4. 5. The normal range of pH of the vagina is only 3. 8 and 4. 2. Tampon is usually represented by some litmus determine its base. Breath test is used to determine whether the fish smell coming from the vagina. Potassium hydroxide is administered swab and carefully under a microscope. When the result shows the positive (albeit microscopic) fishy smell, it points to BV. Key test cells somewhat similar to the breath test. However, instead of using potassium hydroxide, sodium chloride is used. Under the microscope the cells in the swab containing vaginal discharge is usually covered with bacteria. This is a positive sign of BV. There are several benefits for those suffering from bacterial vaginosis. Since anyone who has gone through this knows that it can be very embarrassing, and it is best to treat it as soon as possible. P ideal situation for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis

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using natural treatments. P-out

, to receive a summary of some of the products available to treat this disease. .

Cost varies based on the aerobic system ...

bacteria that causes disease

Aerobic septic systems is different from standard septic systems, because they use aerobic bacteria, where as a standard septic systems use anaerobic bacteria. Aerobic bacteria require oxygen and can run much faster than anaerobic bacteria, which means that they can dispose of more waste more quickly and therefore require less space. Another difference between the two infected system that aerobic system requires energy and therefore requires regular maintenance and has more costs associated with it. Electricity used to power the mechanism that introduces air into wastewater which bacteria use to help their digestion of waste. Aerobic infected systems often offered to replace outdated or anaerobic septic systems. Aerobic infected system is another option if you have limited space because they do not require much land to install as a traditional septic system does. Just so you know, sometimes called aerobic septic system aerator septic. When installing these units you have the option of installation on the ground or underground. Whatever you decide, keep in mind that they require electrical connections and easy access for regular maintenance. You must also set the previous settings that the manufacturer will provide you. Cost aerobic system varies depending on location, setting, size, design and maintenance. A good rule is that aerobic septic systems can cost two to three times as much as traditional septic tanks. Savings created from aerobic infected system is implemented in various forms. Aerobic units take up less space and generally cause less pollution of groundwater, which is very important, especially if you live on well water. Savings can also be implemented during the life drain fields expanded with the addition of aerobic systems. If you drain fields ultimately not it could cost you tens of thousands of dollars to fix, so take the load on the drainage field back can save you a lot. One of the main reasons for non-septic system lint from washing machines. For this reason, all infected systems should have a washing machine (fabric) filter. The presence of filter-lint even more important, with aerobic infected systems, because they have tiny filters in them that are easily clogged with dust. You will find that many manufacturers say their systems do not require filters dust, but do not be fooled. They just do not want their system look inferior in comparison with their competitors. If they are honest they will tell you that all infected systems require a fabric filter. If they insist that you do not need fabric filter make sure you insist on one. After all this hard earned money that you invest in the infected system, and you want it lasted as long as possible. Aerobic infected systems require more initial investment and more maintenance in the long run than a standard septic system. If you despise the system on or off the quality of treatment is reduced. If you pour hazardous chemicals down the drain or the temperature in the aerobic tank is low, you decrease the quality of treatment. Aerobic bacteria, reduces the content of effluent ammonia, nitrate content but can be increased. So you can have a system that treats waste water for nitrates. Contact your local health department, because the aerobic system is not allowed in all areas. In some areas do not want to drain field area should be reduced, what happens if you use aerobic septic system, however, other countries they can merge filed reduce or even eliminate it unless you have a pre-processing. You will find that in some areas of aerobic systems are used on a trial basis or only when an unsuccessful standard infected system. NSF / ANSI 40 - 2000 Standard for residential water treatment systems documentation outlines the requirements and approval procedures for aerobic septic systems. Permission to aerobic units derived from the local health authorities and government bodies. Some requirements include alarms installed in the aerobic system to alert the homeowner of malfunctions and two years of service by the manufacturer. There are only a few manufacturers of aerobic treatment systems, but demand is growing with increasing demand for higher quality water treatment. In general, aerobic infected system used in the standard system can not be infected. There are times when a standard septic system with drain field can not be established, so that space requirements can not be satisfied. In this case, aerobic systems are used in its place. Other situations in which the aerobic treatment unit is recommended to include the poor quality of soil, the foundation or ground water near the surface, a large number of organic substances that are subject to removal and the need for treatment of high water quality in areas that are environmentally sensitive. Aerobic treatment systems provide higher quality waste treatment due to aerobic bacteria, combined with the mechanisms of air. There are a number of projects, but they all have in common. These features include aeration process, the final disinfection / treatment area suspended growth systems for work, and pre-treatment to reduce pollution from solid particles. There are two basic internal designs for aerobic systems, one called the growth stops and the other is called attached growth. In suspended growth forced air design of the camera, which is mixed purchase strattera with liquids and bacteria freely suspended in the air / liquid solution. The enclosed methods of growth, bacteria attached to surfaces that are alternately liquids and air. Otherwise, the septic systems of great interest because the heavy financial burden and environmental precipitation associated with them. In this country a large number of infected systems fail, and cost as I mentioned above, can be tens of thousands of dollars. I am glad that you do your research in aerobic septic systems, both for benefits for the environment and benefit your bank account. There is one thing you should know, however, if you live in a house where the septic tank or septic tank failed, you can not sell the house to the septic systems repaired and once again fully functional. In this case, it may be faster, easier and cheaper to upgrade your system with aerobic refused infected system if you have the right to do so in your area. If you can not, you may have to clench their teeth and pay to have your system repaired and then sell your house. .